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Hitler's British Isles

Duncan Barrett / Duncan Barrett
In 1940 Britain stood perilously close to invasion. One by one the nations of Europe had fallen and Hitler’s sights were set on the English coast. And yet following the success of the Battle of Britain the promised invasion never came. But the spectre of what might have been is one that has haunted us down the decades. What would a British occupation have looked like? The answer lies in the experiences of the Channel Islanders - the only British people to bear the full brunt of German Occupation. Based on interviews with islanders who lived through it this book opens the lid on life in Hitler’s British Isles.

  • Published by Soundings
  • Fiction/Non-FictionNon Fiction
  • Genre History
  • Target Audience Adult
  • Released 1st March 2020
  • Duration 13 Hrs. 07 Mins.
  • ISBN 0000000416812